"How much do you want Me?"
I recently had a good friend of mine ask me, "What is God teaching you?" This has got to be one of the best questions, and perhaps one of the most important. I believe that God intended all believers to be both learners and teachers. Children and adults, doctors and students, hippies and gang-bangers, codgers and 20-somethings, musicians and mechanics. We can all learn from each other when we ask each other this question. When God is teaching us something, I believe he wants us to multiply it through the way we live and through dialogue.
When I ask someone "What is God teaching you?" I have a couple agendas. First off, I am asking that person to teach me. I love to learn, and I am oftentimes encouraged when I hear of what other believers are learning from God. I am also hoping to encourage that person to process and wonder at what God is teaching them (because I know how easy it is to just keep moving and not take time to pause and consider what God is teaching us).
So...What is God teaching me? The question that was posed to me this week was, "How much do you want Me?" Honestly. It's hard to want a Person who is so hard to comprehend, and it's all too easy for me to want other things more (vague, I know...but true). A friend of mine told me about how she has been praying that God would give her a strong desire to be with him, to love him more than anything else. And he answered that prayer this week for her when she woke up on Friday morning. I think I'm going to start asking God to give me that kind of desire for him, to help me desire him with everything. It's so easy to get focused on myself and what I want. I'm asking for him to put my heart in line with his heart for my life, to desire the things that he desires, and to trust that he plans to give me everything good that I desire in his timing.
What is God teaching you?