Little Jesus
I read this the other day and thought to myself, "Why didn't I post this?!?!" So here it is. This was written January 18th this year.
There seem to be many “Christians” who don’t know what a
Christian is. Maybe they say they're a Christian, but deep down they feel that
there is more to it than what they have, something that is difficult to put to
words. The original definition has changed from when it was originally used,
and there are many who believe Jesus and who are trying to figure out what they
should call themselves.
Some people think “Because I’m a Christian, I am going to
conserve energy and take care of the planet.” Others think, “I’m going to go to
church, read my Bible and pray”. There are many thoughts. “I’m a Christian, so
I should do…” and the premise is that doing these things are what makes them a
I do my best to care for what God has given me, to read the
Bible and communicate with God, and to get involved in the church wherever I
go, BUT that is not what makes me a Christian. What makes me a Christian is
when I act on what Jesus said, in essence, I become like Jesus.
At the moment I am teaching Bible classes. I’m leading
worship for a couple churches on occasion. I’m discipling a worship team and
even the leadership team of a church here. I’m helping repair bikes for people
who can’t afford a bike. I’m spending time meditating on the Bible and I’m
spending time seeking God in times of prayer. I’m trying to recycle and to eat healthy. BUT none of those
things make me a Christian.
What makes me a Christian is not what I do, but how I do it and why I do it.
Christian basically means “little Jesus” or "like Jesus". So while I may be “saved,” I am not
a Christian until I am acting like Jesus (living by his teachings). This is the standard we should set
for ourselves as “Christians”. We cannot accept complacency in our faith. If we
lack the faith, if we do not have the heart to tell others about Jesus when we
wake up in the morning, we need to go to God and beg him for that burden.
I sincerely want to be a Christian wherever I go, a REAL
on-earth Jesus. Yes, the beginning is believing Jesus is who he said he was, but it isn't complete until we act on what he taught. I am beginning to realize how important it is that I dedicate
myself to learning Jesus’ teachings and instructions, and to take his teachings to
heart, praying that they would give me a humble and pure motive in all I do and show
through my hands and feet among my church, my neighbors, my work colleagues. So
that I can be a Christian.
It doesn’t automatically make me a Christian when I "believe" in Jesus. It’s
when I am like Jesus. I guess you could say actions equate authentic belief. It’s an impossible endeavor I am challenged to pursue
with the help of the Spirit of God, my Helper and Teacher.
As Jesus said to the disciples before he left them “But you
will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my
witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the
earth” (Acts 1:8). They couldn’t do the impossible task laid out for them on
their own, and neither can I.
Before the Spirit came on the disciples, they were afraid.
They were hiding from the authorities. I see this within me and as the norm in
the church. Many are afraid. Many are hiding, unsure of sharing about Jesus,
the best news EVER. Maybe all we need to do is go into rooms and pray together that the
Spirit would come, that he would give us what he gave the disciples…and then
wait, and hope and pray.
Communing with other Believers is AWESOME, but Christians are meant for more than 'church'. The example Jesus gave us was going to the world, and that is what we should do -- in prayer and with the help of the Spirit.